Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of many Haitians.
Areas of intervention include evangelization, education, environmental efforts, human rights, agriculture, feeding starving children, child sponsorship programs, construction projects, microfinance programs, clean drinking water, health programs and training, and support for handicapped people throughout underserved communities in Haiti.

Working together for a better future in Haiti

Let's collaborate to reduce gang violence in cities, provide food aid to affected community members, and support children unable to attend school due to violence. Your support can make a significant impact.

VOPADEH Organization, a STC-15383 registered national Haitian Christian organization, is situated at # 27, Brochette 99, Rivière – Froide, Carrefour, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. It is officially registered by the Haitian state (Affairs Social Ministry).
Urgent Need
As you may know, Haiti is faced with a myriad of challenges including insecurity and rampant poverty. Many families struggle to feed their families daily and are unable to afford education for their children. This is where VOPADEH steps in. They are aiming to establish a scholarship project in Carrefour county to help meet the needs of these struggling families.

Understanding this urgent need, VOPADEH Organization has planned to set up a scholarship project in Carrefour county. This project is particularly aimed at providing educational opportunities to children in need through underserved communities in Haiti.
Providing Support for Communities Struggling with Crime and Poverty. 

Our community is currently experiencing challenges with high levels of crime and gang activity, as well as impoverished living conditions. We are working tirelessly to address these issues, but we need your help.

These include rampant insecurity, gang violence, and poverty so extreme that people can't feed their families daily or send their children to school.

The situation calls for immediate and effective solutions. One of the urgent requirements is educational support for children from impoverished families.

VOPADEH Children's program is serving the Lord Yesua, Jesus
Shine light in darkness Help is urgently needed
The critical need for help in Haiti is due to the escalating gang violence. The Church of God Living Stone New Jerusalem and the VOPADEH Organization, well-known entities in Haiti, are committed to supporting the affected regions. They are requesting financial assistance to acquire essential supplies such as food, water, and hygiene kits. Moreover, they intend to provide spiritual guidance by sharing Bible verse-infused fortune cookies, in collaboration with One Love Universal, with gang members in Creole, aiming to bring light into darkness through God's word. For further details, please visit

Your support will truly make a difference in the lives of many individuals in Haiti.

The goal is to alleviate the burden on families struggling to provide education to their children and thus, create a better future for our community.

You can donate to our Zelle or Cash app account +1 516 595 6478 .

Thank You,  in advance for your donation to us in Haiti!

Awarded Going Above and Beyond

Caring for the needs of vulnerable community children as well as supporting the ongoing needs of neighbors. One Love Universal Church has awarded Evangelist Fritznel Saintime for going Above and Beyond.

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About this website - Who created it and why.
  •  6/16/2020 12:00 AM

One Love Universal Church is on a mission to spread the Gospel and unite billions of souls with the Kingdom of Heaven. This website is one of the many platforms we have created for this purpose.

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  • Carrefour, Haiti

Request for Support and Prayers We appreciate your support and prayers and would love to hear from you. If you could kindly send us an email, we can provide more information.